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当前位置: 首页>>留学申请>>签证办理


申请长期学习者(一学期或6个月以上)接到我校录取通知后,持本人护照、《天津理工大学外国留学生来华学习申请表》、《外国留学人员来华签证申请表(JW202Form)》 (一学年以上者还须持《外国人体格检查记录》,包括各项检查结果的报告单),前往中华人民共和国驻贵国使(领)馆办理来华学习(X1)签证(一学年以上),或访问(X2)签证(一学期或6个月以内)。     



Get your visa

When you have received the admission documents sent to you by our International Student Office, you may go to the Chinese Embassy or Consulate in your country to get your visa.

(1)X1 visa (student visa): If you are to take a long-term Chinese language program (more than 6 months) or a degree program at our university, you should take the Admission Notice and the Visa Application Form for Study in China(JW202)Form sent to you by our International Student Office to the Chinese Embassy or Consulate in your country when you go there to get your visa. The visa official may issue you an X1 visa according to regulations.

(2)X2 visa (student visa): If you are to take one-semester Chinese language program (under 6 months), you should take the Admission Notice and the Visa Application Form forStudy in China(JW202)Form sent to you by our International Student Office to the Chinese Embassy or Consulate in your country when you go there to get your visa. The visa official may issue you an X2 visa according to regulations.

(3)L visa (tourist visa): An L visa holder, who is to stay in China for a few weeks/months, may take a short-term Chinese language program (including summer and winter programs) at our university. But please make sure that the validity of your L visa should be long enough to cover your duration of study at our university.

(4)Z or S visa(employment-based visa): A Z or S visa holder, who works in china or whose spouse works in China, may apply to study at our university.

Note: If you want to take a long-term Chinese language program or a degree program at our university, but apply too late to have the necessary documents to get an X1 visa or X2 visa before you leave your country, you cannot come as a tourist first (hold an L visa). The L visa cannot be changed to X visa according to regulations In this case, please make sure to get contact with us beforehand.



Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Administration of the Entry and Exit of Foreigners

Click Here: http://cs.mfa.gov.cn/zlbg/flfg/crjxg/t1060665.shtml



 天津理工大学 留学生办公室
中国 天津市 西青区宾水西道391号 邮政编码: 300384
电 话:+86-22-60214346; +86-22-23679472 传 真: +86-22-60214343
电子邮件: cie@tjut.edu.cn   tutadmissions@gmail.com   cielw@126.com   gjjyxy@eyou.com